Ecological Garden Features

Wildflower Meadows:
We design, create and maintain native wild-flower meadows to bring ecological diversity and beauty to your garden. We specialize in small-scale projects such as wild corners, wetlands, woodland edges and meadows. All will support and encourage bees, butterflies and insect life, as well as creating a stunning showcase for a range of Britain’s native wildflowers.
Dry-stone Walls
Using local Sussex sandstone, we build rockeries and a variety of retaining or free-standing dry-stone walls for your garden. Dry-stone walls made with native stone are a beautiful and more ecological alternative to brick or concrete. They are just as strong and usually work out less expensive as well. Making use of material native to the locality, they also serve as a home to many native species, becoming a natural part of the ecosystem in your garden.

Native Hedges
The decline of the native hedgerow in England is of particular concern to us and we are very keen to bring this important ecological feature into more gardens. We offer different mixes of native trees that will grow into dense, intruder-proof hedges. As well as providing, boundaries and privacy, these hedges also support native wildlife providing them with essential food and shelter. There is a wide range of mixes available, from edible to evergreen hedges. We can also plant single-mix native hedges such as beech, hornbeam, hazel, holly etc. to suit your requirements.
Compost Areas
A compost area is a key part of the biodynamic garden as it provides a valuable resource for recycling; it can be a simple heap, wooden frame or plastic container. If you don’t have a compost area we can build one to suit your specific garden situation. If you already have a compost area and need help/advice on ways to get the most out of it we offer a consultation service, please contact us for prices.