Awakening to Nature

A Practical and Meditative Journey Through the Gardening Year
by Michael Fuller

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Tel: 01342 824320
Mobile: 07952 751029
Email: Michael Fuller Gardens

Green Magic Publishing
ISBN: 978-1915580245
160pp; Pub date: 21 03 2025
Price: £12.99

Awakening to Nature is a collection of all 46 gardening articles written for ‘Forest Row Local’ between 2020 to 2024 and which have subsequently been published on my website. At the suggestion of a friend and coinciding with an enforced work break (due to a fractured foot involving plum collection from a wobbly ladder), I sent the articles to a variety of publishers in the hope that one might be interested. I subsequently received an offer from a small publisher ‘Green Magic’ which specialises in nature and spirituality, and will publish it on the coming Spring Equinox (March 21st).

The subjects range from practical thoughts on gardening (lawnmowing, pruning, composting, leaf raking etc) to the more contemplative side of horticulture (connecting to the cycle of the year, meditation, communicating with plants, letting go of being ‘in charge’ etc). The book’s subtitle is A Practical and Meditative Journey Through the Gardening Year which sums up my working philosophy with regards to gardening (and life) which is, to paraphrase Rudolf Steiner: ‘Matter is never without Spirit; Spirit is never without Matter’.

I hope the book will be not only horticulturally informative but will also encourage the reader to find ways to connect to gardening as a ‘sacred art’. This doesn’t mean a ‘clever’ spiritual connection to gardening, following a blueprint of instructions, but rather an experimental approach – with a willingness to stand back, let go and make mistakes. This sort of gardening is, to my mind, not only lots of fun but often yields the best results, and with which Nature herself seems to resonate.